Welcome to Living Flyfishing

On this blog I will write about my fishing adventures, my development as a fisherman, fly tying and about the education at the Sportfishing Academy.
"Learning something and becoming better at it as time passes, isn't that a joy? When then people from all around the world, all sharing this interest, get together and become friends, isn't that also a joy?" - Confucius

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Spring is here...

My life as a flyfisherman has not been easy during my first winter here in Sweden. With nearly 50 cm of ice on the lakes and even most of the streams and rivers frozen getting my fly to the fish was, well, pretty much impossible. However, now that the last ice is finally withdrawing the anticipation is growing constanly. My buddies and me have already had some days of fishing but the water temperature, which still is barely above 0°C, has made getting the fly down deep  enough hard. BUT: Help is on its way! The new Skagit lines by Vision that I ordered for my new Vision Siks will solve this problem for me. And with the pike's spawning time not far away some, hopefully, great fishing awaits. So with the fly boxes filled with all kinds of new flies the season can finally begin.

Here some impressions from the last couple of months.

Erik doing some hardcore flyfishing (predatorfrenzy.blogspot.se)
Fredrik on Klarälven

Me and my new Siks
Trout candy

Ready for the pike attack